Kamis, 09 September 2010



Sleep my Buri Buri... 
sleep in peace...
close your eyes tightly,
and feel the angels come in to your dream...

Don't ever care about the noisy behind your room...
there is nothing there...
they only trying to wake you up...
don't worry...
i'm here to keep you in a comfort night...

Even you dreaming about the ghosts around you...
tell me that when the sun's  awake tomorrow  morning,
that's not because i'm afraid of the ghost...
i just don't want you to wasting your sleep time..
only for telling me the story about your dream...

I'm not afraid Buri Buri...
because you told me...
the ghost is always a part of us...

Back to sleep my Buri Buri...
don't worry, i'm still here...
i still waiting for my sleepy sign...
and i will sleep by your side...
and if it's possible...
i want to dreaming about the same as your dream...

So you don't need to telling me tomorrow,

And when we wake up,
we will take the lucky frangipani flowers,
on the grass in front of this room...
and we will see...
some of  them floating on the water...

Rain will join us...
to enjoying the time in the pool...
and while we busy taking those flowers...
the birds also singing...
even they are hiding behind the trees,
to protect their wings from the rain...

They are so happy...
because we happy to make them happy,
and they keep singing in the rain,
Smile my Buri Buri...,Smile...


                                                                       Friday, Sep 10 2010

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